The ROS1ders In The News

Web Articles
The Patient-Doctor Partnership
(Cancer Today, 2022-10-24)
More Than a Partnership: How Oncogene-Driven Patient Groups Are Mobilizing the Global Community to Drive Research
(IASLC Lung Cancer News, 2021-08-13)
The ROS1ders: Lung Cancer Patients Turned Precision Medicine Advocates
(The Precision Medicine Podcast: Episode 35, 2020-04-28)
ROS1+ Cancer Model Project Demonstrates Power of Patient Advocacy
(Precision Oncology News, 2019-10-22)
Finalist for Astrazeneca-Scientific American C2 Catalyst for Precision Medicine Award
(Your Cancer website, 2019-04)
(Cancer Health, 2019-03-18)
WCLC 2018: Oncogene-Driven Patient-Caregiver Communities Creating New Paradigm for NSCLC Research
(ASCO Post, 2018-10-01)
Oncogene-Driven Communities Improve Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
(CURE, 2018-09-24)
The importance of online patient groups and ‘The ROS1ders’
(eCancer video, 2018)
Motivated, Engaged, and Organized: The New Molecular Cohorts of Lung Cancer
(IASLC Lung Cancer News, 2018-06-04)
The 'Ross-Wonders', Cancer's New Superheroes
(Forbes, 2018-05-02)
Global ROS1 Initiative combines patient experience with researcher expertise to target ROS1+ cancer wherever it grows
(Colorado Cancer Blogs, 2018-04-17)
(Onco'Zine, 2017-08-25)
ROS1+ Cancer Patients Partner to Increase Research
(NCI Center for Cancer Genomics blog, 2017-05-13)