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Debra McCann: She's a 1der


Mid 2017 I went to my GP for what I thought was a chest infection. I had also been feeling a lump, slightly uncomfortable, in my middle chest area. I was twice given a weeks sick leave to ‘recover’. 2 months later and I went to another GP, who then ordered a chest X-RAY. Everything moved very quickly after that. A referral to a lung surgeon resulted in a CT scan, PET scan and surgery for stage 1b NSC lung cancer. My middle right lobe was removed and I was given the option of having follow up chemo for 3 months, ‘to mop up any random cancer cells’. We decided to do the chemo. My follow up CT scan after the chemo found an ovarian cyst. This was only small and deemed very unlikely to be anything “sinister”, but worthwhile removing via keyhole surgery. My medical team were very surprised to find that is was indeed a lung cancer metastasis. After this, follow up 3 monthly bloods and CT scans showed ‘no evidence of disease’ for approximately 2 years. Peritoneal nodules were then found and after biopsy ROS1+ NSCLC was diagnosed. I have been on Crizotinib 250mg x twice daily now for 18months. However my liver levels have recently increased remarkably and a liver cyst has been found, which we are monitoring. And that is where I am with my cancer.

I have been very blessed with a great medical team, as well as Family and friends who just know when I need a boost. My Christian faith has helped me be at peace with living with cancer and an unknown earthly future. I’m here to celebrate my 64th birthday with gratitude to those who have gone before me by sharing their story and experiences with lung cancer and treatments.


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