Our Publications

Published by The ROS1ders
The ROS1ders Issues RFA for $75K ROS1+ Cancer Research Grant, February 2023
Real-World Data for ROS1 Cancer and Other Rare Cancers, October 2022
Sustaining and Accelerating Research for ROS1+ Cancer, March 2021
ROS1derings print newsletters
Research Journal Articles
(ROS1ders Are Authors or Contributors)

2018: Resistance Mechanisms to Targeted Therapies in ROS1+ and ALK+ Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29636358/
2018: Comparison of Molecular Testing Modalities for Detection of ROS1 Rearrangements in a Cohort of Positive Patient Samples, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29935306/
2019: Differential Subcellular Localization Regulates Oncogenic Signaling by ROS1 Kinase Fusion Proteins, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30538120.
2020: Characteristics of Patients With ROS1+ Cancers: Results From the First Patient-Designed, Global, Pan-Cancer ROS1 Data Repository, https://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/JOP.19.00135
2020: The roles of patient groups in fostering cancer research, Nature Review Clinical Oncology,
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41571-019-0314-1 -
2020: Oncogene-specific advocacy groups bring a patient-centric perspective to studies of lung cancer, https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03150-2
2022: The Rise of the Expert Patient in Cancer: From Backseat Passenger to Co-navigator
https://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/OP.21.00763 -
2023: Evolution of acquired resistance in a ROS1+ KRAS G12C+ NSCLC through the MAPK pathway.
Oral Conference Presentations by The ROS1ders

2016: The Importance of Patient Access to Molecular Testing and Novel Therapies,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(16)31427-7/fulltext -
2017: The ROS1der Story: How a Group of Patients, Doctors and Advocates Launched an International Research Effort, https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(17)30998-X/fulltext
2018: Oncogene-Driven Patient Groups: A New Era For Research Partnerships,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(18)31247-4/fulltext -
2019: Real-World Research Groups — ROS1ders,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(19)30969-4/fulltext -
2019: Lung Cancer Patients Should Have Better Access to Clinical Research: Relax the Eligibility Criteria,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(19)30971-2/fulltext -
2019: The ROS1ders: Partnering to Drive Research and Improve Outcomes in ROS1+ Cancers,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(19)31367-X/fulltext -
2019: The ROS1ders: An advocacy experience (ESCMO 2019 Congress)
2021: Sustaining and accelerating research in oncogene-driven rare lung cancers (NCI Lung SPORE Workshop)

Conference Posters Presented by The ROS1ders

2016: Patient-Driven Epidemiologic Assessment of ROS1-Fusion Driven Cancers,
https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(16)31564-7/fulltext -
2018: The Global ROS1 Initiative: A patient-researcher partnership generating open-source, oncogene-driven cancer models and data, https://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/78/13_Supplement/4766
2019: Disrupting the Paradigm: Partnering with Oncogene-Focused Patient Groups to Propel Research,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2019.08.1180 -
2020: The ROS1 Cancer Model Project: A Unique Patient-Driven Partnership to Accelerate Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2019.12.084
2021: Physician concern about delaying lung cancer treatment while awaiting biomarker testing: Results of a survey of U.S. oncologists, https://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.9067